Information Technology

Information Technology makes huge improvements for both individuals and businesses. While information technology keeps upgrading, the richness level and diversity level of information could help people to improve living standards are increasing. Information Technology rapidly innovates, from hardware to software, from data computation to applications in different daily scenarios. This has significantly improved people’s productivity, as the results, people could have more opportunities to transfer our creativities into productivities. We believe innovations in information technology will be an important part of technology developments in the future.

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New contrast agent for MRI to detect Alzheimer's disease

Research team from HKBU has invented a novel contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging...

HKUMed introduces the latest robotic arm for joint replacement surgery

HKUMed introduces the latest robotic arm for joint replacement surgery...

New droplet-based electricity generator

A research team led by scientists from the City University of Hong Kong has recently developed a droplet-based electricity generator...